Friday, 30 April 2021

type 3 acromioclavicular dislocation in a rt handed policeman

1. conservative. the results of conservative equal surgical
In type 3. 4 , 5 ,6 surgical might have better results

 Patient was advised surgery elsewhere and had a relative with symptomatic ?acjt subluxation with symptoms  and was pushing for surgery. Not sure the indication that pt wants surgery as an indication is  acecptable. Was given independant literature and time to rethink. Came back saying surgery is what he wants.

 So plan was for stabilisation with implants (dog bone) and  semitendinosis graft for Conoid, Trapezoid and anterior and superior acjt lig reconstruction. 5 mm excision of lateral end of clavicle was done to avoid acjt symptoms lateral. there are reports of leaving the joint alone and also removing only the acjt disc. only the conoid was drilled thru clvicle as was worried about 3 drill holes in clavice and fracture seen in another pt. A small superior  subscap flap tear was seen on scopy which was missed on MRI


 The 2 red circles are where the graft was knotted and reinforced with fibre wire sutures

Few questions remain if surgical tt is planned
Do we tighten the dog bone first or the graft
Excision of acjt- was it necessary
Weaver and Dunn procedure is abandoned

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