Saturday, 16 September 2023

Hypointense ACL

we still do not have a a clear cut correlation between clinical and radialogical data to make an informed decision for return to sport like in fracture union

Tuesday, 12 September 2023

Ulnar plus with TFCC tear

ulnocarpal impingement with triquetrql wear and large central tear of TFCC treated arthroscopic wafer procedure


Intraop fracture in a porotic RA pt with 2 yr okd fracture treated by interfragmentary screws only

stem and wedge back up done but unfortnately during trial reduction the femoral condyle fractures and screw hold for fixation was poor and therefore a distal femur replacement with Link Rhk was done a few days later. Having a distal femoral replacement inplant on table is advisable as a policy