Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Root tears of meniscus

  60 year old lady with sudden onset sharp pain  lt knee. She was previously asymptomatic and very active. clinical exam revealed strong medial meniscal signs  and MRI showed a meniscal extrusion with radial tear adjacent to root.
 she was send for a week of physio and 3 days of NSAID and was reviewed .  she had complete relief and had no meniscal signs and was even able to squat

 After repairing every  root tear  I saw I sometimes think whether I over did the same. Meniscal extrusion remained in at least 3 of the 12 1 repaired in the last 2 years. Pt were definitely asymptomatic.

 To avoid extrusion do we now need to start centralisation sutures like the japs.
Spare a thought guys.


Did we miss this injury in the past. The fascicle move the lateral meniscus dynamically during the lateral femoral condyle roll back. one needs to repair it all inside or with a suture lasso as shown  in arthroscopic techniques. to diagnose the same on mri is sometimes difficult.

Pt complaints of a pop sound or locking.
Laprade figure or four test yield is negligible in my hands so far
 most accurate diagnosis is introp, the meniscus can be displaced anteriorly by more than 50% of its width . one might see some chondral defect adjoining to the popliomeniscal fascicle deep to the meniscal

 one could use a mid lateral portal  to repair the same