Saturday, 13 June 2015

is repair better than reconstruction on the medial side in MLKI 3m injuries

 The results of medial repair did  better than reconstructions in my series so far. In the lateral and plri reconstructions gave near normal results. This was discussed with few of panel of experts privately at the ISAKOS. Few disagreed with my view.  my reconstructions have been with semitendinosis and not tendon Achilles  which is broader.

1. Did this alter the results?
2. Is it because poplitius  is intra articular while mcl is extra articular ?
3. Is it because of the adhesions between the layers of the medial bursa?
 used LAD in 2 cases so far on the medial side repairs with good results so far

 Do others agree with my  comments or have a  other experience