Saturday, 25 May 2013

current facts on acl reconstruction

single or double bundle reconstruction.

its been clear that double bundle although more anatomic does not give any added advantage as far as results are concerned. It has made us understand the kinematics better and changed the way we do single bundle. The  tibial tunnel being slightly anterior and  femoral tunnel being more horizontal at 930 or 230 position through a medial transportal approach helped as control pivot shift better but not lachman.After all its is pivot shift which damages the knee. Few  surgeon decide on single or double bundle depending on the sixe of the foot pring . If femoral footprint is larger than 18 mm or tibial more than 12 mm a double bundle if prefered.

Bracing or no bracing
at least two recent papers are founfd no difference whether of not bracing postoperative was used. So may be execpt for the non compliant patient. bracing can be left out

Hamstring or patellar tendon.
Recent 15 year prospective  studies have proven tht there are no differences in long term results. May be slightly more anterior knee pain more so kneeling pain with patellar tendon grafts..

OA after acl reconstruction
 The incidence of early osteoarthritis post acl reconstruction is dependant of the meniscal and articular cartilage status than anything else. Many studies do not find deference in osteoarthritis incidence after acl reconstruction but qualify menisectomy and as a bad predictore for OA.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Symptom modifying effect of chondroitin sulfate

 The STOPP study(osteoarthritis progression prevention), a 2 year prospective study have demonstrated definite SYSADOA symptom modifying effect of chondroitin sulfate 800mg/day and structure modifying effect to a lesser degree SMOAD.  SO, may be we can continue with chondroitin sulfate  as a symptom modifying drug with no major side effects. its a good idea to check and monitor  blood glucose and  serum cholestrol during the first few months as there are some rare reports. May be a biochemical mri - sodium mri in a 7 T machine could enligthen us further