Tuesday 14 November 2023

10 yrs post latarjet asymptomatic and played badminton

the bonegraft broke off while sleeping after 10 yrs post op. Did the grqft ever incorporate or did it break off being avascular. increasing attempts at latarjet and its modifications will definitely raise similar complications and osteoarthritic even after ? healing. we migth reduce dislocation rates at best , rest time will tell. div class="separator" style="clear: both;">

Intraop fracture in a prior fixed and healed distal femoral fracture

salvage of a porotic intraop fracture ina RA pt thru the cyst poorly stabilised by the plate, revised by the rotating hinge link knee with distal femoral replacement

Periprosthetic fracture in a Octagenerian

afe and aortic stenosis narrow canal 10.5. bowed femur absence of curved 10 inch 10.5 mm dia porocqt stem made us use this cemented long wxeter stem z10 mm dia and 240 mm and wired proxmily without cement. in the past a porocoat stem was cemented distally after removing the porocoat i trqop with a burr only distally to cemebt the proximal uncemented stem was witd to the periprosthetic fracture to facilqta e ingrowth or fracture heqling . It make for a quick surgwry in these unfit pts and can mobikise full wt bearing stwt.

Patella dislocation with osteochondral fracture of medial facet

14 yr old male with genu valgum open physis and grade 3 b troclea and osteochondral fracture patella underwent medial epiphysidesis by paeds team, fixqtion on oc peice with suture tape and biopins and teochleplasty and mpfl repqir rather than recon. div class="separator" style="clear: both;">

Saturday 16 September 2023

Hypointense ACL

we still do not have a a clear cut correlation between clinical and radialogical data to make an informed decision for return to sport like in fracture union

Tuesday 12 September 2023

Ulnar plus with TFCC tear

ulnocarpal impingement with triquetrql wear and large central tear of TFCC treated arthroscopic wafer procedure


Intraop fracture in a porotic RA pt with 2 yr okd fracture treated by interfragmentary screws only

stem and wedge back up done but unfortnately during trial reduction the femoral condyle fractures and screw hold for fixation was poor and therefore a distal femur replacement with Link Rhk was done a few days later. Having a distal femoral replacement inplant on table is advisable as a policy

Sunday 30 July 2023

Distal femoral fracture in a 80 CRF patient on dialysis and major cardiac issues

A distal femoral replacement was decided by the team to mobilse the patient immediately though with difficulty. The risks were explaned and a 5 cm poly distal femur replacement and a link RHK knee was done

Rising incidence of Periprosthetic fractures and the need for aggresive managemwnt of osteoporosis

Rising numbers of elderly parents living alone need an aggreesive metabolic management of osteoporosis. we are seeing an epidemic of insufficiency and periprosthetic fractures thsi fortnight. Better methods other than BMD measurements are needed to control bone and muscle loss. Do we need to routinely use bone resorption markers as the BMDs dont match the porosis when do the Bone cuts in TKR. Quick stable fixations as seen above are needed in these patients to get them back on there feet soon div class="separator" style="clear: both;">

Thursday 20 July 2023

Meniscal Transplant -Post menisectomy medial in a 24 yr old

Dislocation in a post stroke patient one montg postop

posterior impingement and anterior disloccation wad the cause. as he was a post strone one month, a constained luner or dual mobikty was the choice. A constrained option was chosen after discussion with the family. was pleasant surprised to see ingrowth in cup at 6 weeks. /a>


Wednesday 31 May 2023

Does sagital alignment have a role

Dislocation in Thr post fracture neck of femur

Dislocation post THR in elderly is an issue which can be avoided by using larger head diameter, Tighter soft tissue with correct verical and horizontal offset. Good soft tissue repair is possible and may be avoid southern approaches The case below had stem sinkage causing lax soft tissue and retroverted acetabulum. A cemented stem to correct the vertical and horizontal offset and constriained liner was used as the posterior soft tissue were deficienct and patient was elderly.