The xrays of a patient with a wind swept deformity is presented here. The deformity is complex and uncommon combination to have a varus (towards midline) and valgus (away from midline) in the same patient. I have used a rotating platform knee design in the varus knee and posterior stabilised design in the valgus knee to optimise function and longievity of implant in this case. Her knee society score at five years followup is still within the ninety percentile.
Her right knee appears to be debonding, five years from now that knee could progress to failure, but i am not sure how much i am talking is true. Why dont you give me some gyan.
ReplyDeleteThe lysis laterally presently has been static from 3 months post op xray. No infection or symptoms. Hence being observed every 6 months
ReplyDeleteI had a patient with windswept knees in osteoarthritis. Is this a case of osteo or rheumatoid arthritis. Can you give me any references? I have done bilateral knee replacements using MIS surgery with a lateral approach for the valgus knee. I can send you the Xrays if you are intersted
Dr K Raveendran, Fatimah Hospital, Ipoh Malaysia
Thanks Dr. Ravindran. I do not have any reference but i remember the term windswept being used in cerebral palsy for a similar deformity. This paient had OA. I used a posterior stabilised knee for valgus and LCS for varus knee( each on its own merit). It is 9 years postop with no mproblems yet. I have not had a similar case after that
ReplyDeleteI am 57, a female with windswept knees. I wasn't born that way. In my 20's I hurt my right kneee and it was operated on. I had total function in that knee for decades. Finally the knee got worse and I'm not sure why but the left knee followed the right so I need to decide if I want one or two done, and if I should do it at once or one at a time. Of course, the right knee is the worste and very bad! Can it really be fixed and what will it look like on the outside after surgery? I do realize I'll have scars down both knees but what I want is to be able to walk again without pain and have my knees straight again. Is it too much to ask? Thanks! ♥